Myo ho ren ge kyo.

Hoben-pon.  Dai ni.

Niji seson.  Ju sanmai.  
Anjo ni ki.Go shari-hotsu.
Sho-but chi-e.Jinjin muryo.
Go chi-e mon. Nange nannyu.
Issai shomon.Hyaku-shi-butsu
Sho fu no chi.Sho-i sha ga.
Butsu zo shingon.Hyaku sen man noku.
Mushu sho butsu.Jin gyo sho-butsu.
Muryo doho.Yumyo shojin.
 Myosho fu mon.Joju jinjin.
Mi-zo-u ho.Zui gi sho sestsu
Ishu nange.  Shari-hotsu
 Go ju jo-butsu irai.  Shuju innen.
Shuju hiyu. Ko en gonkyo. 
Mu shu hoben.  Indo shujo.  
Ryo ri sho jaku.  Sho-i sha ga. 
 Nyorai hoben. Chiken hara-mitsu.  
Kai i gu-soku.  Shari-hotsu. 
 Nyorai chiken. Kodai jinnon.  
Muryo muge. Riki.  Mu-sho-i.  Zenjo. 
Gedas.  Sanmai. Jin nyu musai.  
Joju issai. Mi-zo-u ho.  
Shari-hotsu. Nyorai no.  S
huju funbetsu. Gyo ses sho ho.
Gon-ji nyunan. Ekka shushin.  
Shari-hotsu.  Shu yo gon shi.
Muryo muhen. Mi-zo-u ho.  
Bus shitsu joju. Shi shari-hotsu.  
Fu shubu setsu. Sho-i sha ga. 
 Bus sho joju. Dai ichi ke-u. 
 Nange shi ho. Yui butsu yo butsu.  
Nai nokujin. Shoho jisso.

Sho-i shoho.  Nyo ze so.  
Nyo ze sho.  Nyo ze tai.  
Nyo ze riki.  Nyo, ze sa.  
Nyo ze in.  Nyo ze en.  
Nyo ze ka.  Nyo ze ho.  
Nyo ze honmak mkukyo to.

Myo ho ren ge kyo.

Nyorai ju-ryo-hon.  Dai ju-roku.

Ji ga toku bu rai.  Sho kyo sho kosshu. 
 Muryo hyaku sen man.  Oku sai asogi.  
Jo seppo kyoke.  Mushu oku shujo.  
Ryo nyu o butsu-do.  Nirai muryo ko. 
 I do shujo ko.  Hoben gen nehan. 
 Ni jitsu fu metsu-do.  Jo ju shi seppo.  
Ga jo ju o shi.  I sho jin-zu-riki.
Ryo tendo shujo. Sui gon ni fu ken. 
 Shu ken ga metsu-do.  Ko kuyo shari. 
 Gen kai e renbo., Ni sho katsu-go shin. 
 Shujo ki shin-bukui.  Shichi-jiki i nyunan.
  Isshin yok ken butsu.  Fu ji shaku shinmyo. 
 Ji go gyo shuso. Ku shutsu ryojusen.  
Ga ji go shujo.  Jo zai shi fu-metsu.  
I ho-ben-rik ko.  Gen u metsu fu-metsu. 
 Yo-koku u shujo.  Kugyo shingyo sha.  
Ga bu o hi chu.  I setsu mujo ho.  
Nyoto fu mon shi.  Tan ni ga metsu-do.  
Ga ken sho shujo.  Motsu-zai o kukai.  
Ko fu I gen shin. Ryo go sho katus-go. 
 In go shin renbo.  Nai shutsu I seppo.
Jin-zu-riki nyo ze.  O asogi ko.  
Jo zai ryojusen.  Gyu yo sho jusho.
Shujo ken ko jin.  Dai ka sho sho ji.  
Ga shi do annon.  Tennin jo juman.  
Onrin sho do-kaku.  Shuju ho shogon. 
 Hoju ta keka.  Shujo sho yu-raku.
  Shoten gyaku tenku.  Jo sas shu gi-gaku.  
U mandara ke.  San butsu gyu daishu.
Ga jodo fu ki.  Ni shu ken sho jin. 
Ufu sho kuno. Nyo ze shitsu juman.  
Ze sho zai shujo.  I aku-go innen.  
Ka asogi ko. Fu mon sanbo myo. 
 Sho u shu ku-doku.  Nyuwa shichi-jiki sha. 
 Sokkai ken gashin.  Zai shi ni seppo.  
Waku-ji shi shu.  Setsu butsu-ju muryo.
  Ku nai ken bussha.  I setsu butsu nan chi.  
Ga chi-riki nyo ze.  Eko sho muryo.  
Jumyo mushu ko.  Ku shugo sho toku. 
 Nyoto u chi sha.  Mot to shi sho gi.
To dan ryo yo jin.  Butus-go jip puko.
Nyo I zen hoben.  I ji o shi ko.
 Jitsu zai ni gon shi.  Mu no sek komo.
Ga yaku I se bu.  Ku sho kugen sha. 
 I bonbu tendo.  Jitsu zai ni gon metsu. 
 I joken go ko.  Ni sho kyoshi shin. 
 Ho-itsu jaku go-yoku.  Da o aku-do chu. 
 Ga jo chi shujo.  Gyo do fu gyo do. 
 Zui o sho ka do. I ses shuju ho. 
 Mai ji sa ze nen.  I ga ryo shujo.  
Toku nyu mu-jo do.  Soku joju busshin.



Appreciation for Life's Protective Forces
(shoten zenjin)
I offer appreciation to the functions 
in life and the environment (shoten zenjin)
 that serve to protect us, and pray that these
 protective powers be further strengthened and 
enhanced through my practice of the Law.
Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times. 
Then proceed with the recitation of the sutra.

Appreciation for the Gohonzon
I acknowledge my debt of gratitude
 and offer profound appreciation for 
the Dai-Gohonzon of the Three Great 
Secret Laws, which was bestowed upon
 the entire world; to Nichiren Daishonin,
 the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law;
 and to Nikko Shonin.
I acknowledge my debt of gratitude
 and offer appreciation to Nichimoku Shonin.
Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times.

For the Attainment of Kosen-rufu
I pray that the great desire for kosen-rufu be fulfilled,
 and that the Soka Gakkai International develop
 in this endeavor for countless generations to come.
I acknowledge my debt of gratitude and 
offer appreciation to the three founding 
presidents—Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, 
Josei Toda and Daisaku Ikeda—
for their eternal examples of 
selfless dedication to the propagation of the Law.
Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times.

Personal Prayers and Prayer for the Deceased
I pray to bring forth Buddhahood 
from within my life and accomplish
 my own human revolution, change my
 destiny and fulfill my wishes in the present 
and the future. (Offer additional prayers here.)
I pray for my deceased relatives and for
 all those who have passed away, particularly
 for these individuals:
 (Sound the bell continuously while offering prayers.)
Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times.

I pray for peace throughout the world and 
the happiness of all humanity.
Sound the bell and chant 
three times to conclude (group chants in unison).

COPY PASTE BY http://allaboutbuddhism.blogspot.com ♥ 


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